How to Sell Food at a Farmers Market in California

Are you looking to start selling food at a farmers market in California? If so, you'll need to obtain a temporary permit for food facilities. The application for Certified Farmer's Market is now available online in an Adobe Acrobat PDF file. To view the application, you must have the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader, which you can download on the Adobe website. With a valid California certified producer certificate, you can sell fresh fruits and vegetables, cut flowers, nuts, meat and eggs, among other products.

In addition to the application, you'll need to have general liability insurance. You must add Heritage Farmers Market to your policy as an “additional insurance”. The Southland Farmers Market Association serves member markets, local California farmers and consumers by promoting and protecting the integrity of certified farmers markets in Southern California. Contact individual market managers by phone or by visiting the market to see if they are interested in adding it to the market.

When submitting an application to Heritage Farmers Markets, you will need the appropriate documents and equipment for your application to be considered. It's also a good idea to visit the markets you're planning to apply to. This will give you a better understanding of how likely you are to be accepted. Establishing a relationship with the California Farmers Market Association and providing a pleasant, responsible and professional work experience will increase your chances of being selected for a higher-demand market.

We love that farmers markets bring people together and give them the opportunity to make a living doing what they love. If you are not a producer, agricultural producer or food supplier, there are still ways for you to participate in the agricultural market. If you are interested in opening a certified farmers market or becoming a certified producer, contact the county office where the market is located or where you want to sell your product.

Tricia Sweetman
Tricia Sweetman

Total zombie guru. Passionate music maven. Hardcore pop culture evangelist. Avid food nerd. Passionate beer buff. Proud bacon evangelist.